Python Django
Django is a free and open-source web framework for
▋Related articles
▋Python 3.6.2
▋Django 1.11.5
▋Install Django
mkdir Django
cd Django
$ python -m venv venv/ShopCart
$ cd venv/ShopCart
$ scripts\activate.bat
python -m pip install Django
▋Create a new Django project
django-admin startproject shopcart
project’s default files are as following.
This file maks Python treat
the directory which has it as a module.
It's the first file being loaded in a module, so we can run some codes when
it's loaded.
For example, SECRET_KEY =
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' is described as following...
(From django documentation)
We can define Url Patterns in
this file.
An entry-point for
WSGI-compatible web servers to serve your project. For more information on
WSGI(Web Server Gateway Interface), see WIKI.
▋Start it
Use the following
command to start the web server.
python shopcart\ runserver