2017年11月14日 星期二

[PMI-ACP] Domain 7. Continuous Improvement(Product/Process/People)

 Agile    PMI-ACP    Domain 7


Kaizen (Continue Improvement) is action plan, philosophy and culture.

1.  Process improvement
2.  People improvement
3.  Product improvement

Process Improvement

Iteration retrospective meeting

Hosted: Scrum master
Attendees: Scrum master and Team, others may attend but just watch.


What worked well in this iteration?


What didn’t work well in this iteration?


What action can we take in next iteration.

Five Stage Retrospective

Setting the stage

Good, safe environment

Gather data

1.  Timelines

Collect facts and feelings in a timeline.

2.  Color code dots

Stick red spot(good) and blue spot(bad) in Timeline’s fact.

3.  Mad/Sad/Glad

Similar to 2., but use mad, sad, glad stickers.

4.  Triple nickels

Each member write 5 facts(questions or problems) in 5 minutes, pass it to the right one, and he/she write the improvement actions or comments in in 5 minutes.

5.  Locate strength

Interview each other.

6.  Team Radar

7.  Learning Matrix

Generate insights

1.  Brain storming
2.  Five whys
3.  Fishbone
4.  Identify theme

Decide what to do

1.  Select 2 or 3 actions for next iteration from action plans.
2.  Only take actions the team is able to do

Closing the retrospective

1.  ROTI(Return on Time invested)
2.  Plus/Delta evaluation

Intraspective meeting

1.  Informal meeting hold by Scrum mater
2.  To discuss the issues from daily scrum and find out solutions

Tailoring(裁縫,量身訂做) Process

Tailoring the process due to the difference of project scope, tech challenge and etc.

Protect, obey
Learning and following fundamentals
Breaking the rules
Leave, Separate
n   Transcendence(超越)
n   No trick wins trick(無招勝有招)
n   Using no way as way, having no limitation as limitation.(以無法為有法,以無限為有限 李小龍)

People Improvement

Knowledge sharing

Self-assessment (自我評估)

Agile KPI

1.  Actual stories completed vs. Committed stories
2.  Tech debt management
3.  Team velocity
4.  Quality delivered to customers
5.  Team enthusiasm (團隊熱情)
6.  Retrospective process improvement
7.  Communication
8.  Team’s adherence(附著) to Scrum framework and engineering practices
9.  Understanding of iteration scope and goal

Product Improvement

Daily standup meeting

Iteration review meeting

