2017年11月11日 星期六

[PMI-ACP] Domain 4. Team Performance

 Agile    PMI-ACP    Domain 4 

Team formation and development

Agile project team organization and team size

1.  Do not assign traditional software roles, like SA, programmer… etc.

2.  Agile team includes

n   Coach/Scrum master (PM)
(PS. PM role in agile is for facilitation and support. Not responsible for project’s result)

n   BA, business analyst

n   Quality assurance

n   Development team

n   PO (Who is responsible for the project result MOST)

3.  3-9 members, excluding of PO and Scrum master.
4.  Scale Scrum with: Scrum of Scrum. Scrum of Scrum meeting holds 2-3 times/week.

Co-located or distributed team

1.  Co-located team

n   Osmotic communication

n   Tacit knowledge

Not formal and explicit, difficult to discuss by writing or verbalizing(口頭描述) it.

n   QA quickly

n   Fix problems on the spot

n   Interaction with less friction

n   Trust and award quickly

2.  Distributed team

n   Should meet in-person in Project kick-off meeting

n   Collaboration tools is important for communication between team members

Team formation

Forming ->
Storming ->
Norming ->
n   Social
n   Focus on group purpose
n   Safe topics

n   Resistance
n   Conflict
n   High emotions
n   Strife resolved
n   Work together
Produce effectively


Servant leadership (Coach/Scrum master)

n   Protector of the team

n   Remove any impediments to the process or team

n   Facilitate meetings

n   Coordinate with PO and team

n   Set clear communication channels

n   Deliver potentially shippable product

n   Facilitate change to Organization
  Explain Agile to Stakeholders
  Advise and coach to PO
  Coach to Team

Team motivation

1.  Discuss the benefits of success

2.  Set realistic goals

3.  Create friendly competition

4.  Design a tool for recoginition1, so the efforts of individuals can be noticed

Team Ground Rules

1.  Can be changed at retrospective meeting
2.  Post them on Information radiator area

Create Interpersonal skills

1.  Verbal communication

2.  Non-verbal communication

3.  Listening skill

4.  Negotiation

n   Common interest
n   Enhance yourself
n   Calm (不透露表情及情感)

5.  Problem solving

6.  Decision making

7.  Assertiveness(自信)Communicating values, ideas, beliefs, opinions, needs and want.

8.  Globalization

n   Time zone
n   Different culture
n   Different communication styles
n   Required document

Create Technical skills

Team empowerment

Small, Generalizing specialist, cross-functional team

1.  Generalizing specialist:

n   Member with one or more technical skills

n   Willing and able to learn new skills

2.  Cross-functional

n   Have all skills needed to build the product

Self-organization & Self-directing & Swarming


1.  Pull work from themselves
2.  Ownership and commitment
3.  Mentoring and Coaching, not Command and Control


1.  Competency(能力)
2.  Collaboration
3.  Motivation
4.  Trust and respect
5.  Continuity

How to create self-organization team

1.  Training
2.  Coaching
3.  Mentoring


1.  Combine skills and talents to work without management or supervision.
2.  Manager or boss does not lead
3.  Both “Do things right” and “Do the right things”


Team member with available capacity and appropriate skills to collectively work(swarm) on a working item.

Trust & Faith

Team collaboration and commitment

Close communication and co-location

Osmotic communication

Tacit knowledge

1.  Task board
2.  Kaban
3.  Burn down chart (By User story point or by task point)
4.  Risk burn down chart

Reduce distraction

Sharing project vision

1.  Get everyone on the same page
2.  Set expectations
3.  Use communication tools
4.  Be open about everything
5.  Hold effective team meetings

Velocity and forecasts

1.  Understand the team's capability by velocity
2.  Provide accurate forecasts

Boosting team performance

Whole team coaching

Individual coaching


1.  Quiet writing
2.  Round-robin
3.  Free for all


1.  Intrinsic(內在)more powerful
2.  Extrinsic(外在)

1.  Autonomy
2.  Mastery
3.  Purpose


