2017年11月2日 星期四

[SEO] Disallow search engine crawling

 SEO    Search engine crawling     robots.txt  


If we have any web pages on internet that we don’t want to be seen, don’t forget to set the disallow rules on robots.txt.


Here is a robots.txt example with some disallow rules.
Notice that the url is case-sensitive!

User-agent: *
Disallow: /CMS
Disallow: /cms
Disallow: /CN/News
Disallow: /ZH/News
Disallow: /EN/News

IIS tool for SEO

You can install the Search Engine Optimization management tool by Web Platform Installer.

And then you will see the tool in your website’s [Features view].

Click on [View existing rules]

Now we can add disallow or allow rules, and the SEO tool will create robots.txt into the website.

How to test robots.txt

There are many online rebots.txt testing tools, my favorite ones are as following.

Google Search Console

Enter Google Search Console, we have to [ADD A PROPERTY](add a webisite).

And follow the steps to validate that you are the owner of the website.

Once the validation is done, you can use the robots.txt Tester in Search Console.

Technicalseo.com: SEO tool

If you would like a quicker and easier tool,  Technicalseo.com: robots.txt Testing Tool is simple and friendly.


