2014年5月9日 星期五

Service warm-up client using Async-Await

Service warm-up client using Async-Await

1.      Create an async method with HttpClient. (For example, HttpGet & HttpPost)

public async Task<HttpStatusCode> Get(String apiUrl)
HttpClient httpClient = this.CreateHttpClient(apiUrl);
HttpResponseMessage resp = httpClient.GetAsync(apiUrl).Result;
//Throw an Exception when getting an error Status Code

return resp.StatusCode;
catch (Exception ex){ return HttpStatusCode.NotFound; }
finally{  httpClient.Dispose();}

public async Task<HttpStatusCode> Post(String apiUrl)
HttpClient httpClient = this.CreateHttpClient(apiUrl);
//Create JSon
IcashMsg icashMsg = new IcashMsg();
HttpResponseMessage resp =
httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(apiUrl, icashMsg).Result;
//Throw an Exception when getting an error Status Code

return resp.StatusCode;
catch (Exception ex){ return HttpStatusCode.NotFound; }
finally{  httpClient.Dispose();}

2.      The async sub-method await the HttpGet/HttpPost method above, and then do the logical codes.

public async void ChkWebapi(ConnInfo connInfo)
using (WebApiConn wsConn = new WebApiConn())
// Response HttpStatusCode
HttpStatusCode peekStsCode = new HttpStatusCode();
peekStsCode = await wsConn.Get(connInfo.IP);
// peekStsCode = await wsConn.Post(connInfo.IP);

// logical/other codes here

3.      Since we finished the async-await method, we can use some concurrent codes to test it.

//Get Urls
List<icasH.ApConsole.ApLib.ConnInfo> connInfoList4Get = … ;
.ForEach(connInfoList4Get, conn =>
using (Conn Conns = new Conn())

Result :

