C#7.0 Tuples
One of the new
features in C# 7.0, tuple types and literals, which can be used to return more
than one value from a method.
Notice that
the System.ValueTuple structs is implemented in assembly: System.ValueTuple
can install it thru NuGet.
Studio 2017
▋Method with Tuple
return type
private static (Employee,
string) getEmployee()
var emp = new Employee() {
Id = "1234",
Name = "JB Lin",
Age = 36
return (emp, "Full-stack developer,
private static Tuple<Employee, string> getEmployee()
var emp = new Employee() {
Id = "1234",
Name = "JB Lin",
Age = 36
return new Tuple<Employee, string>(emp, "Full-stack
developer, father");
▋Receive a tuple
are several ways to call the method and receive the Tuple.
Employee jb = null;
string description = string.Empty;
(jb, description) = getEmployee();
var (jb, description) = getEmployee();
(Employee jb, string description) = getEmployee();
var tuple = getEmployee();
var jb = tuple.Item1;
var description = tuple.Item2;