2020年2月18日 星期二

[Lets Encrypt] Use win-acme to create or renew the certificate on Windows

 win-acme   Let’s Encrypt   IIS  


To create or renew the Let’s Encrypt certificate manually, the steps from

However to renew the certificate automatically, we can use some tools to do it once and for all.

For example, we will learn how to use win-acme to create the certificate and a renew scheduled task for the Application on IIS.


Windows Server 2016
IIS 10


Download win-acme

Go to win-acme’s official website and download it.
Put the extracted files to %programfiles%\win-acme.

Creating new certificate

Run wacs.exe in “Run as Administrator” mode and following the steps.

PS. Notice that if we had already imported SSL certificate before, we will have to use “Create new certificate” option.

1.  Choose Create new certificate (simple for IIS) or Create new certificate (full options)

We will use
Create new certificate (full options)to see more options in the steps.

2.  Choose from where to scan the domain name,

3.  Choose what site(s) to scan the domain name, or leave empty for scanning all of them.

For example, when I scan all of the sites, it shows the domain name and ports:

And now we can pick one of the bindings or all bindings like the last question above.

4.  win-acme shows the domain name as the result and ask us for a naming-pattern for the certificate file.

5.  Choose a way to verify that we are the owner of the domain name.
For example, we can save the verification files on a specified path (They will be removed after verified.)

6.  Select RSA for creating Certificate Signing Request.

7.  Choose where to store the certificate? (Multi-choice)

8.  Choose one or more steps to update certificate to the sites(applications).

PS. Notice that only using “3. Windows Certificate Store” to update the sites as following.

For example, select 1. will create (if not exist) the 443 port on the site(s) and bind the new certificate to 443 and original Https port.

9.  The last questions will ask for the email address and Terms-of-service agreement.

10.  Everything is done, win-acme will run the scripts based on the options.

If you encounter the error like below:
“Error: Cannot commit configuration changes because the file has changed on disk”, restart the site or IIS and retry again!


Base on the options we choose to store on
·         IIS Central Certificate Store
·         Windows Certificate Store

We can find the certificate in:

The specified directory

Certificate - Local Computer>>Web Hosting>>Certificates:


Renew schedule or renew manually

Renew scheduled task

The creating-certificate progress will also setup a scheduled task on Windows’s Task Scheduler.

The scheduled task’s and when-to-renew settings are from settings_default.json which is at root path of win-acme.

Renew manually

1.  Open the command line in “Run as Administrator” mode and start win-acme with the argument: --force:

  $ wacs.exe --force

2.  ChooseManage renewals

3.  Select Run *all* renewals

This will force renewing the certificate.

Show Renew history

Manage renewals>> Show details for *all* renewals


