2018年9月2日 星期日

[DocFx] Create api documents on multiple projects

 DocFx   API documents  


We will learn how to generate API documents by DocFx on multiple projects and publish them on a website.


Visual Studio 2017 community
docfx.console 2.38.1


Install docfx.console on a new website project

Lets add a new website project on your .NET solution which contains the other target projects. I will create a clean ASP.NET MVC5 project for example.

My sample solution is as following.
MyDocFx.Web is the website with DocFx package inside, and MyClassLibrary1 and MyClassLibrary2 are the target projects for documentation.

Install docfx.console on the new project.

Take a look at the package, you will find docfx.exe, which is used to generate the API documents from our source code.

In default, the documents will be output to ./site when you build the project.

Install docfx tool (Optional)

We will use docfx tool to serve the website for a quick check. However, while we are already use the website project, you can start the website and browse the
http://localhost:<your port>/_site  
to get into the DocFx website.

For docfx tool, we can simply browse the documents on
http://localhost:<your port>

Install Chocolatey

Open a command line prompt as an administrator and use the following command,

@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"

Install docfx tool

choco install docfx -y

Build and serve the website

Navigate to the root folder of our website project,

$ docfx docfx.json --serve -p <port>

Then we can see the result homepage on localhost:<port>

Update docfx.json

docfx.json is the key config for DocFx to know the location of the target projects and where to output the API documents(*.html).

The original docfx.json will only build self project,

"metadata": [
      "src": [
          "files": [
          "cwd": ".",
          "exclude": [
      "dest": "obj/api"

In src, the value of cwd indicates the root location of the target project(s) and the value of files indicates the including project(ex. *.csproj) or files(ex. *.cs).

Because we would like to build the other projects in the same solution, we update docfx.json like this,

"metadata": [
      "src": [
          "files": [
          "cwd": "../",
          "exclude": [
      "dest": "obj/api"

Notice that you can set the value of files to

And don’t forget to exclude the website project in exclude!

Or if you want to include more source from other path, just give src another settings. For example, I would like to include RouteConfig.cs in the MyDocFx.Web project,

"metadata": [
      "src": [
          "files": [
          "exclude": [
          "cwd": "../"
          "files": [
          "exclude": [
          "cwd": "."
      "dest": "obj/api"

Now use DocFx command-line tool or visual studio to build and start the website, the API documentation’s toc (table of content) is as following.

Result and demo

Advanced: Organize the APIs

When we have lots of different namespaces, it will be better to organize or classify the APIs to have a friendlier document.

The final API document page will have two API groups, the “Class Libraries” has MyClassLibrary1 and MyClassLibrary2, and the “Others” has MyDocFx.Web.

Update docfx.json

We are going to set different output path for the ones in “Class Libraries” and the other in “Others”.

"metadata": [
      "src": [
          "files": [
          "exclude": [
          "cwd": "../"
      "dest": "obj/api/Class Libraries"
      "src": [
          "files": [
          "exclude": [
          "cwd": "."
      "dest": "obj/api/Others"

Update toc.yml in root

- name: Class Libraries
  href: obj/api/Class Libraries/
- name: Others
  href: obj/api/Others/



