2018年4月22日 星期日

[Vue] Component - Props and v-model

 Vue.js   v-model   sub-component  


Some notes about…
1.  Props in component
2.  The way to implement passing v-model to a child-component and how it works.


vue.js 2.5.16


Here we are going to create a select-list component which the listed data (text and value) is from parent component. When the selected value is changed, we would like to show a message and display it on parent component.

About props

Basic usage

Vue.component('my-list', {
    props: [
        'options', //array
        'alert', //function
data: function () {
        return {
            selected: null
    watch: {
        selected: function (val) {
    template: `<div>
              <select v-model="selected">
                  <option v-for="option in options" :value="option">{{ option.text }}</option>

Advanced usage

Vue.component('my-list', {
    props: {
        options: { //array
            type: Array,
            required: true,
            validator: function (value) {
                return value.length == 3;
        //options: [Array, Object], //For multiple possible types
       alert: { //function
            type: Function,
            default: function (text) {
                alert('(Sub-component)You selected '+ text);
    data: function () {
        return {
            selected: null
    watch: {
        selected: function (val) {
    template: `<div>
              <select v-model="selected">
                  <option v-for="option in options" :value="option">{{ option.text }}</option>

We can use Prop validation to validate the values or type of a property.

l   type: Specify the type(s) of the prop.
l   required: Check if pass a value to it is a must
l   default: Assign a default value or function to the prop
l   validator: Customize a validator

Use the component

<my-list :options='myOptions' :alert='myAlert'></my-list>

Emit an event of Parent
Now we will implement the notification of the selected-option to the parent by emitting.

Lets update the parent’s template like this,

Parent component

<my-list :options='movie.options' :alert='myAlert' @update-event="updateSelected"  ></my-list>

Which the updateSelected is the function from parent for updating the model of it.

Then we can emit “update-event” in child component as following.

Child component

watch: {
        selected: function (val) {
            this.$emit('update-event', val);

Furthermore we can pass a v-model to child component to make it easier.

Pass a v-model as prop

Parent component

<my-list :options='myOptions' v-model="selected"></my-list>

Notice that v-model is the syntactic sugar as following,

<my-list :options='myOptions':value="selected" @input="selected = $event"></my-list>

So we can update v-model as following in child component.

Child component

watch: {
        selected: function (val) {
            this.$emit('input', val);

Source code


