rxjs concat merge forkJoin
Concatenates multiple Observables together by
sequentially emitting their values, one Observable after the other.
From reactivex.io
Flattens multiple Observables together by blending their
values into one Observable.
all observable sequences in parallel and collect their last elements.
▋concat sample
x=> { return {from:'observable$1', value:x}; }).take(10);
x=> {return {from:'observable$2', value:x}; }).take(10);
Result :
▋merge sample
x=> { return {from:'observable$1', value:x}; }).take(10);
x=> {return {from:'observable$2', value:x}; }).take(10);
Result :
▋forkJoin sample
x=> { return {from:'observable$1', value:x}; }).take(10);
x=> {return {from:'observable$2', value:x}; }).take(10);
Result :
▌Live sample
We would like to display products from
different api as following codes.
<div *ngFor="let prod of products; let i=index;">
<main-product [prod]="prod">
//Delay the Observable sequence for 1 sec
let productsNew$ = this.prodSvc.getAll().delay(1000);
//Delay the Observable sequence for 0.5 sec
let productsDiscount1$ = this.prodSvc.getDiscount1().delay(500);
//The Observable sequence comes first
let productsDiscount2$ = this.prodSvc.getDiscount2();
prodsNoDiscount$.subscribe(prods =>{
console.log("Get NO-DISCOUNT products!");
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
prodsDiscount20$.subscribe(prods =>{
console.log("Get 20%-DISCOUNT products!");
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
prodsDiscount50$.subscribe(prods =>{
console.log("Get 50%-DISCOUNT products!");
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
The above codes will display the
products with this order.
Get 50%-DISCOUNT products!
Get 20%-DISCOUNT products!
Get NO-DISCOUNT products!
We can use merge to replace the above codes and result in the same result.
this.products$ = Observable.merge(prodsNoDiscount$, prodsDiscount20$, prodsDiscount50$);
this.products$.subscribe(prods =>{
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
But if we would like to display the
products with certain order like this :
1.No discount
2.20% discount
3.50% discount
Then we can use concat to promise the observable sequence emits one by one.
this.products$ = Observable.concat(prodsNoDiscount$, prodsDiscount20$, prodsDiscount50$);
this.products$.subscribe(prods =>{
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
Furthermore, let’s try forkJoin which will will result the
same result as concat. The difference
between them in this sample is that the forkJoin
will get the three kinds of products in prellel and execute the subscription with
the last sequence of each observable. Thus all the products will diplayed on
the webpage almost the same time.
let productsfj$ = Observable.forkJoin(prodsNoDiscount$, prodsDiscount20$, prodsDiscount50$);
productsfj$.flatMap(x=>x).subscribe(prods =>{
this.products = this.products.concat(prods);
thank you.
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刪除Concat, Merge, and ForkJoin are powerful techniques for combining or processing data efficiently. Similarly, an Email Tool Tester ensures your email content is merged correctly and free from errors, ensuring smooth and effective communication with your audience!