2016年6月2日 星期四

[AngularJS] Connect deirectives

 AngularJS   Directive  


There a lot of situations that we might use multiple directives in a webpage, and they have some relations among them. In this example, I created two directives and CONNECTED them.


The key point is passing ngModel with two-way binding between these directives.

Related article


Refer to the following picture, I have 2 drop-down-lists and 1 display label.
1.  Regions
2.  Cities
3.  What companies in the selected city



l   HTML

<select ng-model="Region" ng-change="ChangeChargeId()" ng-options="option.Name for option in RegionOptions track by option.Id" />

l   JS

var app = angular.module('app', [])
  .controller('AppCtrl', function ($scope) {
      $scope.RegionOptions = [{
          'Id': 1,
          'Name': 'North Taiwan'
      }, {
          'Id': 2,
          'Name': 'South Taiwan'


Create a directive for “Cities”. However, the cities drop-down-list would be changed after the “Region” changes. So we pass the $scope.Region to the isolated scope of the directive for two-way binding.

l   HTML

<my-city ng-model="Region" selectcity="MyCity" />

l   JS

app.directive('myCity', function ($filter) {
        return {
            //restrict: "A",
            scope: {
                Region: "=ngModel",
                selectcity: "="
            template: "<select ng-model='City' ng-change='ChangeCity()' ng-options='option.Name for option in CityOptions track by option.Id' />",
            link: function ($scope, $element) {

                $scope.filterCities = function (regionId) {
                    var cityOpts = $filter('filter')($scope.AllCityOptions, {
                        RegionId: regionId
                    }, true);
                    $scope.CityOptions = cityOpts;

                $scope.AllCityOptions = [
                    { 'Id': 1, 'Name': 'Taipei', 'RegionId': 1 },
                    { 'Id': 2, 'Name': 'Linkou', 'RegionId': 1 },
                    { 'Id': 3, 'Name': 'Tainan', 'RegionId': 2 },
                    {'Id': 4,'Name': 'Kaohsiung','RegionId': 2}];

                $scope.$watch("Region", function (newValue, oldValue) {
                    if (newValue != null && newValue != {}) {

                $scope.ChangeCity = function () {
                    $scope.selectcity = $scope.City;


Here are the tips,
ü   $watch scope.Region which is two-way-binding from the “Region” drop-down-list.
ü   Set the value of $scope.MyCity, which is two-way binding as well. We will use this ngModel in the next directive.


l   HTML

<my-company selectcity="MyCity">

l   JS

app.directive('myCompany', function () {
        return {
            //restrict: "A",
            scope: {
                selectcity: "="
            template: "<span>{{companies}}</span>",
            link: function ($scope, $element) {
                $scope.$watch("selectcity", function (newValue, oldValue) {
                    if (newValue != null && newValue != {}) {
                        var companies = "";
                        switch ($scope.selectcity.Name) {
                            case "Taipei":
                                companies = "China-trust bank, SYSTEX, Wahlee ...";
                            case "Linkou":
                                companies = "Inotera memories ...";
                            case "Tainan":
                                companies = "TSMC, Chimei ...";
                            case "Kaohsiung":
                                companies = "Foxconn ...";

                        $scope.companies = companies;

