AngularJS angular-http-loader
I was looking
for a solution for showing Loading-element after sending Http request and before
receiving Http response.
Then I found angular-http-loader
(by wongatech), which is an easy-to-use
The document and demo on his
blog is clear, so I will make a quick go-thru here.
l Visual Studio 2015
l AngularJS 1.4.8
▋Install angular-http-loader
Use bower to install it.
bower install --save angular-http-loader
Include angular-http-loader.min.js into the web page. Then
open the javascript to use it.
var app =
angular.module('app', ['ng.httpLoader'])
(httpMethodInterceptorProvider) {
.controller('CustomerIndexCtrl', function ($scope, $http,
$q) {
: Implement the http methods…
httpMethodInterceptorProvider.whitelistDomain("http://localhost:12340/") :
===> Add remote
web server to the white list.
===> Add local
server to the white list.
Put a div with the following
1. ng-http-loader
For all requests :
<div class="Loading" ng-http-loader template="XXX.html"></div>
Only Http GET :
<div class="Loading" ng-http-loader methods="GET" template="XXX.html"></div>
Http GET and POST
<div class="Loading" ng-http-loader methods="['GET','POST']" template="XXX.html"></div>
2. ttl
Set the minimum time (seconds) for displaying the loading element.
3. template
The loading element.
4. title
Put a title on the template.
Put a title on the template.
<script src="~/bower_components/angular-http-loader/app/package/js/angular-http-loader.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="CustomerIndexCtrl">
<div class="Loading" ng-http-loader methods="GET" ttl="5" title="Loading..." template="~/Html/Loading.html"></div>
: Implement the html content here -->
▋Template Html
<img src="../Content/images/gif/ajax-loader.gif" />
PS. You can
generate a loading GIF on ajaxload!
l angular-http-loader
(by wongatech)