2016年11月26日 星期六

[Angular] Deploy to Github-pages

 Angular    Angular-CLI    Build    Deploy   Github-pages


Github Pages is a quick and popular website hosting service for the Github repositories. We are going to deploy our website to Github Pages with Angular CLI.


l   Node: 6.4.0
l   Angular CLI 1.0.0-beta.19.3

How to Deploy

Create Github Repository

Of course we should have a Github repository and push our project codes.

Build and Deploy

You can quickly deploy the website in Angular CLI by this command.

$> ng github-pages:deploy --message "Commit message"

The command will create a new branch: gh-pages, which will store the build output files.

But before your deploy, notice that
1.  The project’s name should as same as the name of the Github repository.

2.  We have to commit and push current changes on the project codes.

After successfully deploying the project, now we can browse it on


