2012年4月16日 星期一

使用Sandcastle工具在Visual Studio環境產生Help文件(2012)

Create a Help file with Sandcastle in Visual Studio
The FORCE studio

使用Sandcastle工具在Visual Studio環境產生Help文件

Sandcastle is a tool used for integrating the XML comments in Visaul Studio project.
It can help creating a Help file such as HTML Helper format. Though installing Sandcastle is not an easy task, using it is quite simple.

1         Download
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or above version
Sandcastle Help File Builder
HTML Help WorkshopFor HtmlHelp 1.x format
HTML Help 2.x For HtmlHelp 2.x format : However it cannot be downloaded individually. You must install Visual Studio 2005 SDK or Visual Studio 2008 SDK

2         Install
Screenshot_01 shows what we download.
First we install
Sandcastle.msi and then unzip SHFBGuidedInstallation_1934.zip (Screenshot_02, the file name depends on version ). 
Click SandcastleInstaller.exe to install it. The install process will check the necessary component step by step. Sorry for skipping the install details here.



Screenshot_03 (Installing)

3         Create HTML Helper
3.1      Open Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI.
New Project

3.2      The New Project means the new project of Sandcastle, not the project in our Visaul Studio. Choose your destination folder and type the project name.

3.3      Since we create a new Sandcastle project, Project Explorer appears on the right side of the tool.
Right click on
Documentation Source… to add a existed .NET project.
Of course, this time we choose our Visual Studio project. (*.sin)

3.4      Next, lots of options showed up in Sandcastle.
I listed some common options in step 3.5.
After we finished setting up the options, just click
Build the help file and the Help file would be created. Simple and excellent!

3.5      Common options~
Build Framework Version(skip)
Build HelpFileFormatChoose Help file format.
Help File HelpTitle The title text in Help file.
Help File HtmlHelpNameThe Help file name.
Paths OutputPathThe Help file destination path.
Show Missing Tags ShowMissingNamespacesFalse

