Testing Newman Postman
This article shows how to use Newman and HTML reporter(DannyDainton/newman-reporter-htmlextra) to generate the API test report by command.
▋Postman v9.15.6
▋Newman 5.3.2
▋Install Packages
$ npm install -g newman
$ npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra
▋Export collection and environment variables from POSTMAN as json
(Optional) remember to export variables of target environment from Postman if
you use variables on the Postman’s requests.
├─ Demo.postman_collection.json
└─ Localhost.postman_environment.json
You can have the
test scripts in Postman’s Tests, that will be also tested and show in the later
HTML report.
▋Run tests and export report
The following
command will generate the HTML report "newman/Demo-2022-03-27-16-23-46-288-0.html".
$ newman run "Demo.postman_collection.json"
--insecure -e "Localhost.postman_environment.json"
-r htmlextra
The HTML report
includes request, response and the result of test scripts.