Refers to
We have
several ways to implement the DropDownList with AngularJS.
for array data sources:
label for value in array
select as label for value in array
label group by group for value in array
select as label group by group for value in
array track by trackexpr
for object data
label for (key , value) in object
select as label for (key , value) in object
label group by group for (key, value) in
select as label group by group for (key,
value) in object
However, I
encountered some problems with it.
Here I will
provide a correct way to make a DropDownList (<select> in HTML) with
dynamic options and ng-model binding.
l AngularJS v1.4.8
I want to create
a DropDownList with dynamic options, which contains a “Please select” as
default. When user select a different option excepts “Please select”, the label
of the selected value will appear in the webpage.
▋Failed Attempt
Sounds easy,
right? As a starter for AngularJS, I wrote something incorrect like the
following codes. (See sample codes
<div ng-app="app"
<select ng-model="InChargeId"
ng-change="ChangeChargeId()" ng-options="option.CustomerId
as option.Title for option in
CustomerOptions track by option.CustomerId" />
<input type="text" ng-show="ShowCustomer"
ng-model="InCharge" text="{{InCharge}}" />
I try to control the selected value by writing :
= 'Default';
the result ends in like this …
Default value did not shown
when initializing.
Selected value disappeared in
the DropDownList
▋Correct Attempt
most important thing is that we have to treat the option as an object!
default value and other options are Objects, so as the ng-model
of select.
remove “option.CustomerId
as …” when using “track by”.
is the correct codes in HTML:
ng-options="option.Title for option in
CustomerOptions track by option.CustomerId"
use object reference to assign the default value! (JS)
= $scope.CustomerOptions[0];